Sunday, September 21, 2008

Analysis and Insight

4. I assess how meaningful my life is emotionally and mentally. People I love such as my friends and family are emotional because they will most likely always be there and things such as fashion are somewhere in there because I have always loved it and I plan to go into that line of work when I'm in college so that's really important to me. Mentally, things such as sports events and concerts because I could live without them but I just enjoy doing it, so things I love and things I like are included in this and that helped me to assess what is meaningful in my life.

5. No, I don't really think there is a pattern to what is meaningful or meaningless in my life. But I did organize my video in a way that somewhat showed what parts of my life were more meaningful. For instance, my friends and family came first because they are the most important things to me and then the concert and sports events pictures along with pictures of my Sidekick and Ipod came in the middle because they were somewhat important and then fashion came last because that was another really meaningful thing in my life.

6. I think that my video is a fairly accurate description of my life. There were some things I didn't include such as me just sitting there bored, which is meaningless but overall it was accurate. I don't really think it makes me seem more interesting or exciting. I'm just showing what my life is like.

7. I don't really think that my life would seem meaningful from an outside perspective, except for the friends and family part. It was done from an inside perspective because I'm just showing how I'm like and what is meaningful to me in my opinion. I think aspects such as the fashion might not be meaningful to a lot of people but it is very meaningful to me. This goes along with the idea that everybody's definition of meaningful and things they find to be important really varies between people.

8. As of right now, I don't really have any questions on living a meaningful life.
I like how you included lots of photos of your friends because that really enhances the idea that friends are really important to you including your family and i like the photos you chose
I like how you shot the video in your own perspective and i also liked the parts where you talked and the end where you had people hold up a sign that said "start a revolution" BTW: did you know the people who held up the sign or were they random people on the street?

I liked this video because it was different and unique. i also liked how it was not disorganized and it had one common idea that you focused on and i like that

I like how you used the song from My Big Fat Greek Wedding haha i also really liked the pictures you used because i could tell that they really were meaningful to you and they all had the common theme of friends and family which is good!

I really love your video because it looked like a professional photographer shot it and it looked really organized and i felt you worked very hard on it Good job! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Juliette's Life on Video


1. In my video, I included pictures of my parents, my sister, my friends, homework assignments, concert pictures, Miami and France vacation photographs, baseball and hockey game pictures, my Sidekick and Itouch, my clothing, my FIT identification card, and pictures from a fashion show.

2. I think that everything I put in this video is meaningful to me because, in some way, it helps my life to be better or more entertaining. For example, I can survive without using my phone and Ipod, but it just makes my life more fun if I have those two things with me. But other aspects, such as my sister and my parents are very important to me because they grew up with me and they see me all the time. In addition, homework is something I don't like doing but I have to do it because it makes me smarter and it helps me get a better education. Other things such as baseball and hockey game pictures are not that meaningful to me because they do not really change my life in a drastic way, but I have a lot of fun watching them so I like that. The pictures having to do with fashion are also meaningful to me because that is what I plan to major in and it is a very important aspect of my life. Even though some of these things here are not that meaningful, speaking generally, I still find them meaningful because it is things I love and things that I enjoy doing in everyday life, but even things such as homework are still meaningful to me because it will help me in the long run.

3. I would have liked to included a bigger variety of pictures instead of having very similar pictures. I wish that I also had more pictures to show. I would also have liked to included some video and maybe some various special effects. If possible, I would also liked to have added words onto the slides.