Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obstacles in percievinfg that we are animals is: scientific classifaction, evolution, 45% of our time is spent with human beings, and and non-animal traits that we have. Sciemtific classification is that scientists percieved us to be animals based on scientific explanation. It is alledgedly scientifically proven that we have no animal in us and if we think like this, we will never see ourselves as being animals. The second is evolution which states that we evolved from apes and Neanderthals. We have been taught this since forever and because we never really questioned it when we were younger, it is hard for us to question it now because we grew up and have it implanted in our brains that we aren't animals. The third is 45% of our time is spent with humans. If we grow up mostly around humans, we will never know what real animal behavior is so it would be harfd to deternmine what animal behavior is even though sme of us have pets. The fourth is the non-animal traits we have. There are many things animals and us have in common but there are many trhings we don't have such as tails and licking ourselves to get clean. If we think of humans as not having any animal-like traits at al, then we won't be able to think of ourselves as animals. These are some of the obstacles we have to deal with in percieving ourselves to be animals.
Some benefits in percieving we are animal are: we give birth like animals, we know how to protect our bodies, and we know the proper way to think. If we just think about the way we birth is the same as animals and that we don't need any kinds of medicines to give birth because animals don't need fancy birth methods, we shouldn't do it either. Most humans take care of themselves physicaly, mentally, and emotionally and just like animals, we try to be active and move around just like wild animals do. We know the proper way to think means that we think about things in a good way such as morals and just basic everyday things such as where to bathe etc. These are some of the benefits in percieving ourselves as animals.
While doing this unit on animals, it is actually making me think that I might possibly be an animal. When I think of the same attributes animals and humans have in common such as we bathe, we have babies, and we eat among many things, we actually do have more in common with animals then expected. All of these points made really make me think himans and animals might be the same, after all.