Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Essay About Meaning of Life

When I interviewed my mom and dad about what they think the meaning of life is, they both gave similar answers. For example, they both said that love (people who love him and people he loves), talking with interesting people, and work were meaningful to them. But they also said different things. My dad, for instance, said that just looking around and taking the world around him in is meaningful and that having a fulfilling private and public life is meaningful to him. My mom said that learning new things and sharing her ideas are meaningful to her. I also interviewed two people on the street and Nora and Francesca about what they thought the meaning of life was. I noticed that between the adults I interviewed and the teens I interviewed, their answers were similar but the adults had answers that were a little more in depth, probably because they lived their life longer and know more about the world. I also thought that more people would say that friends are important to them but not many people said that.
Except for Nora, everybody said that family was very meaningful to them because they raised them and watched them grow. They also said that they will always be there for them. Nora and Francesca also said that friends were also meaningful to them because they make their life more fun and interesting to have someone with similar interests as you to talk to. The two people on the street and Francesca all said that it "really depends on who you ask-if you ask random people if my life is meaningful, then they would probably say no but it depends on the person's own point of view" (Francesca). Nora said that "just being alive is meaningful because she was adopted and would have had a very bad education and could have been starved to death" so she is very grateful for what she has. She also said that living life to the best of her ability is meaningful. When I asked Francesca how meaningful her life was on a scale of 1 to 10, she first said 8.5 but then she said that she could not really answer that because she thought she was being biased and it was not really truthful. She then said "what is the scale based on?" "Who is judging this?" They all had different answers but at the same time, they all had a common theme.

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