Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am very happy that Obama was elected president. I think America needs a change from having a Republican in office for 8 years and they did no good to the country. They made it worse such as starting the war and messing up the economy, putting us in a very bad recession. In addition, the Republicans made practically the whole world hate us and i believe that with Obama, that will change. It will take time, though, but it will happen. It didn't surprise me that Obama won. Everyone, even Republicans, were saying how they thought Obama will win and the polls were also showing Obama ahead. Also, I followed this election a lot and just by reading what people were saying about the Republicans, Obama was doing way better and he had a better VP pick.
The whole night, from 6-12, I stayed glued to the TV watching results. I panicked at the beginning when McCain was winning but then when things picked up and Obama was in the lead, I felt better and then when Obama won Ohio, I knew the Republicans were done. I was extremely happy when they announced Obama won. This was a historical moment and I actually got to experience it. We really needed this and I still can't believe that he will be our new president. President Barack Obama sounds strange to say but it's great. OBAMA!!!!!!

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