Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barack Obama's Inauguration

Obviously, yesterday was Barack Obama's inauguration. I was very happy about that because it was a very historic moment for America to have the first African-American president and it was great to live through a historic time. Mostly, I here about world-changing experiences my parents and much older people went through and it is cool to experience something like this. I will definetly be telling my kids and grandkids about this. I also was very happy about this because Obama is such a smart guy and he is an amazing public speaker and I think he could put America back on the right track after the big mess that Bush made. I was also happy that Bush isn't president anymore because he was very uneducated. Obama does have a lot to clean up from Bush's mess such as the economic crisis and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. For the first time in a very long time I actually felt proud to be an American and to be able to have the common feelings with many other Americans, also. While watching his inauguration on TV and seeing about 2 million people in Washington D.C. and seeing how many people all over the world were celebrating, it really shows how important it is to everybody even people who live in different countries. I think that Bush made so many people all around the world (Americans included), Anti-American and most people hated us but now that Obama is president, that will change drastically and we will have more allies and more help in times of need. For example, my friend who now lives in London and my family in Serbia were also watching this monumental day. Everyone cares about this. I noticed that practically every TV channel was playing the inauguration and that also proves how special it is-if god forbid it was a Republican president, it would get hardly any coverage mostly because people are sick of them.

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