Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Walmart Incident

I think that what happened at Walmart on Black Friday to that temporary security guard, Jdimytai Damour, is horrible. I think it is even worse that shoppers saw someone on the floor and did not even stop to help him and continued trampling him and other people. Even when the EMS workers came, people still kept rushing into the store and started trampling the EMS workers also. This fact shows so much about this society's priorities and their opinions for other people's lives. It shows that even when theres a person dead on the floor, people won't care about them and will only focus on getting to their "goal" (in this case, getting items on sale). It really shows how selfish and materialistic people are in this world. And then to push the EMS workers when they are trying to help the man is even lower. According to witnesses, when people started hearing that Damour was killed and they had to leave, people started complaining and saying "I've been in line since Friday morning." This really shows people's true colors and how much they really care about other people, even if they don't know them. Then there is the other story about the 28-year-old, 8 months pregnant woman who went to shop at Walmart and got injured and miscarried her baby. I feel terrible for her but she made a stupid decision and did not use common sense. She was 8 months preganant and she knew there'd be a huge crowd and she should't have been shopping.

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