Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Eating Habits

Over the past 24 hours I've eaten:
-Turkey burgers, green salad with mom's dressing, and potato salad for last night's dinner.
-Candy from Tasti-D-Lite (gummies mostly)
-Chocolate chip ice cream
-Corn flakes with milk for my pre-bed snack.
-Today for breakfast, I had 2 cookies.

I usually eat a light/medium breakfast, a medium lunch, and then a heavy dinner. I eat more when I am at home than I do outside. I sometimes eat a lot of food during dinner and on the occasion that I am still hungry afterwards, I eat a lot of sweets. I have to have dessert after dinner even if I'm stuffed. At home, i eat food much faster than when I am outside and that is probably because I usually eat out with friends and I like talking to them so that slows my eating down, but with my parents, I want to leave the table so I eat pretty fast. If I like the meal I'm eating at home, I eat faster. If I eat something heavy right before dinner time, I stay in the living room and watch TV while everyone else eats. I usually eat weird things for breakfast such as leftover Chinese and I'm not a huge fan of bagels but there are times when I have cravings for breakfast foods at night and in the morning, I don't like them. Sometimes, I have cereal and milk at night before bed or I might have a toasted bagel with butter. There are also times when I'll be craving a certain food for a whole week and I eat it every day but the things I crave aren't healthy. For example, there was 1 week recently when I only wanted to eat Cheetos for a snack and then another week where all I wanted to eat was a chocolate glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts.Of course, I like to eat unhealthy foods but I also eat healthy foods such as salad. I love salads, vegetables, and fruit especially. My parents never gave me fast food when I was younger, so I guess I'm "catching up" on it now. I have a fast metabolism so I can eat a lot and it's hard for me to gain weight. I can't tolerate heavy foods for long periods of time, though. For example, when i went to Serbia in 2005 for a month, most of their food is extremely rich and I gained a lot of weight and my eating habits were thrown out of whack when i got back to the States and I only wanted to eat light foods for a while. I didn't feel good at all. I think most of the time, I have good eating habits.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Eating Dinner

In my house, my mom cooks the meals and once in a blue moon, we order in. We eat a lot of dishes with meat and/or potatoes in them because my mom is Serbian and that is what most Serbian dishes contain or we eat a lot of pasta. We eat these foods because it is easiest to make. Usually, though, my mom makes food in advance so when we do eat the dinner, all she has to do is heat it up. My family usually eats our dinner at 8-ish and we always sit at the kitchen table. My mom, my dad, my sister, and I always sit in the same place. At the table, we have to tell things about our day and how it went, things like that. My parents, especially my dad, get mad if I don't tell them what goes on with me. We also aren't allowed to drink sweet drinks with dinner. My sister and I also aren't allowed to watch TV during dinner but there are exceptions when I watch a show on Monday or if it is some awards show like the Oscars or if we are sick. Eating dinner is pretty rigid in my house.


The question I had about food was: are there certain fast food chains that are more healthy than others? According to Health magazine and CBS news, there are some chains that are healthier than others. ( I found it very interesting that Mcdonalds was number 8 on this list because most of us know how unhealthy it is but at the same time, they cut out the supersize meals and they also sell salad which is loaded with things but at least it's still salad. I also noticed that most of the things on the list are places that I have heard of and most people probably never heard of them either. For example, I have never heard of Jason's Deli. I also noticed that most of these places sell hardly any fried things and is mostly organic fast food which makes it so healthy. Places like Burger King and Wendy's aren't on it and I have heard that Wendy's is actually more healthy than Mcdonalds. I was also surprised that I didn't see the L.A. burger place, In-and-Out burger on there because In the book Fast Food Nation, the author said that it has fresh meat and fresh ingriedients. The money is probably more expensive but is better for you than other places.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


One of the big topics in life are morals. All our life, our friends, family, and the society/media have told us to be moral people and to not do things such as lie, steal, or kill people without a reason among some of the things. Most people have followed not to kill but people still steal and lie all the time. Even though we have had the idea of morals drilled into our head since we were little, people choose to not follow them. People might say that they are moral, but not everyone is moral. All people have some sort of unmoralness to them because everyone lies, for instance. Some people have more moral ways of living than others but there isn't one person who is 100% moral. Our society really stresses this. We all have a universal definition of what morality means but there are certain exceptions and people have different ides of what morality is-it differs. For example, it is umnoral to kill someone but if you were being attacked, then it is ok to kill someone because you are trying to protect yourself. Morals also mean being honest. Recently, I lost my phone and everyone I talked to said that these days, no one will give back a phone if lost, but a classmate of mine found it and gave it back to me. That's a very honest and moral thing to do.


In my fridge I have: grapefruit and apple juice, eggs, lemons, butter/margarine, yeast, ketchup, vodka, tuna, whip cream, sofrito, jam, soy milk/milk, peppers, wheat germ, ham/sausage, maple syrup, mustard/mayo, cheese, beans, pickles, salad, pineapple juice, celery, carrots, spinach, random dishes, cream cheese, and strawberries. I am not sure but I think that some moral issues that are found in food could be eating meat and/or dairy products. Some people such as PETA argue that eating those things are "morally wrong" because we are killing innocent animals to eat when we have so many other alternatives as to what to eat. I could also see from my fridge, other than moral issues, is health. vodka and the meats aren't too healthy for you when not drank or eaten in moderation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Break Homework

I feel emotionally healthy when I am doing my homework and when I am being active and when I am talking to people because I know that doing these three things are good for me. When I don't do these things, I feel unhealthy because I feel like I am just wasting my life. I also feel unhealthy when I fly into a rage, which is kind of often, because it makes me feel crazy and unnormal and that I could express anger in a better way. Society probably told us to think this way so we grew up thing of the "right" way to behave. It is almost as if we are emotionally unhealthy if we act a certain way in different situations for example: not crying at sadness.
I don't think that emotionally healthy is the same thing as being constantly happy because not everyone can be constantly happy all the time: people can try and look happy but they are not always feeling the same thing their expressions show. It is not healthy to always be happy because it shows that you do not really understand fully what's going on and life isn't fair: no one can be like that always. The theories we researched in class relate to emotional health because some people can improve their emotional health by having therapy. One form of therapy is to talk to people and for many patients, it works well. Also, when proffesionals who know a a lot about this talk to someone in need, they get a good perspective about how to live a good emotional life. At the same time, the way people express different events can be different than the way the therapist sees it. But in general, this is what emotional health looks like.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Psychotherapy is one type of psychiatry that aims to make people feel better about themselves and develop a very close relationship with the patient. The psychotherapists main job is helping patients grow closer with people and help patients communicate better with people around them.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Emotional Health Stories

Lola had a little sister, Suzie, who she would watch when her parents were at work. Because Suzie was so young and innocent looking, they never blamed her for anything and claimed she had no "responsibilities" whereas Lola had many. One day, Suzie kept touching Lola's phone and iPod and obviously, Lola was upset. She at first told Suzie nicely to stop touching her stuff but that did not work. Suzie kept talking back to her sister and kept getting on her last nerve. That is when Lola started screaming at Suzie at the top of her lungs and Suzie and her got into a screaming match. Lola could not take it anymore and she just slapped Lola multiple times. Suzie got aggressive but scared and decided to fight back a little bit. Her parents got home and Lola of course got in trouble. She almost wanted to cut herself because she was so mad. The End. This story depicts an emotionally unstable person because Lola can't get her anger out in any other way but to hit her sister. In my opinion, being emotionally unhealthy means that you can't express your feelings in a positive or nice way-you go out of control and start to put yourself in others in danger. Also, people who are emotionally unstable act too crazy or emotional on the "scale" of emotions or act too "happy" on the same scale.

Elizabeth was an employee at a high-powered P.R. firm. She loved the job except for her boss, who was a very opinionated person and on almost every topic they discussed, they always butt heads. She knew she couldn't do a whole lot about it because he was the boss and she could get fired. One day, he got on her last nerve and she decided to have a nice, polite talk about it. She realized afterwards that even though he did not get much nicer, she handled the situation in a good "emotionally stable" way. Elizabeth didn't behave in a crazy, erratic way-she behaved maturely and in a way everybody would consider normal. She was emotionally stable and this is what our society likes.